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Web App Properties


A web app name. Used as an application name in the system menus.


You cannot re-use the same name for multiple web apps, because newer ones can overwrite menu entries for existing web apps. You should also be careful not to re-use the name of an existing native app, because it can also overwrite its menu entry.

You cannot install multiple instances of the same web app in the same profile, because they would actually be the same instance. Instead, install each instance into a separate profile.


A web app description. Used as an application description in the system menus.

On Linux, macOS and, web app categories are mapped to appropriate categories for that platform. For example, on Linux, the categories determine in which menu categories the app appears (on DEs that support menu categories). On Windows, categories are not supported and are ignored, but they can still be used for user organization. On macOS and, the application can have only one category, so only the first one is used.

Keywords are used as additional search queries on Linux. On other platforms, keywords are not supported and are ignored, but they can still be used for user organization.

Start URL

A URL that is opened when the web app is launched. If not specified, the default start URL is used.

Icon URL

A URL of the icon that is used as an application icon. If not specified, the default icons are used.

Protocol Handlers

Determine which supported protocol handlers are enabled for that web app.

By default, all protocol handlers specified in the web app manifest are disabled. Some websites also dynamically register protocol handlers; those are enabled automatically if you accept the Firefox prompt.

Auto Launch Settings

Launch this web app on matching website

If enabled, all URLs that match the scopes of your web app will be automatically launched as a web app. Specific URLs can also be excluded from being automatically launched inside web apps with the exclusion regex option in the main extension settings.

This option is only available when automatic web app launching is enabled in the main extension settings.

Launch this web app on system login

If enabled, the web app will be automatically launched when you log into the system.

This option is not available on macOS, as launching on login can easily be enabled directly from the macOS UI instead.

Launch this web app on browser launch

If enabled, the web app will be automatically launched when you launch your main browser (the browser where the extension is installed).